Legal Document Preparation
ARTEMiS Law Firm can prepare your legal documents at affordable rates
Legal document preparation allows our clients to receive professionally-prepared legal documents, while avoiding the higher prices associated with full attorney representation. It’s a perfect solution if you need help with non-contentious or straightforward cases, especially when cost is a concern.

We can prepare documents related to:
Child support and custody
Powers of attorney
Deed Transfers
Quick Claim Deeds
Beneficiary Deeds
Trust Transfer Deeds
Living Will
Powers of Attorney
Response to divorce
Child Support
Child Custody and Parenting Time
Legal Separation
Document Rejection Corrections
Personal and Business Name Changes
Pretrial Statements
Motions for Summary Judgement and Responses to Motions for Summary Judgement
Settlement Conference Memoranda
Incorporation (C or S Corp)
Incorporation nonprofit 501(C) & 409(A)
Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Professional Limited Liability
Living trusts – Single and Joint
Promissory Note
General Contracts
Pleadings and Motions
Disclosure Statements
Discovery Requests & Responses
Resolution Management Statements
Settlement Agreements
Employment Agreements
Operating Agreements
Adoption Petitions
Advanced Directives
Beneficiary Deeds
And many more…
Get started
If you want to learn more about our legal document preparer services, and how they can help you, contact our team today to get started.