If you're preparing for a divorce in Arizona, contact the lawyers at ARTEMiS Law Firm today for help navigating the divorce process, while helping you obtain the best possible legal outcome.
The attorneys of ARTEMiS Law Firm cap the number of divorce clients accepted at any one time because we want to ensure that each client gets the individualized attention that she or he deserves.
We know that a divorce is one of the most stressful events you may face in your life, and we want all of our clients to know we will give their matter the individualized attention it deserves. Please give our office a call to find out if we are accepting new clients at this time.
Arizona Divorce Laws
In Arizona, divorce is called Dissolution of Marriage and it is a "No-Fault" State. This means that the court will not analyze the reason for the divorce or which spouse is at fault for causing the divorce.
Divorce is a legal process by which the court analyzes the couple's property and divides it. The court will typically divide community property in half (unless there are special considerations, including alimony or spousal support), and separate property will be awarded to whoever owns that separate property.
In theory, dividing property is easy. In reality, there are many factors and considerations that a court must analyze before making final ruling on how to divide assets.
Talk to the attorneys of ARTEMiS Law Firm to discuss how a court will likely divide your property, bank accounts, retirement accounts, vehicles, assets, and debts in a divorce.
Alimony And Spousal Support
In Arizona, alimony is called spousal support. There is no automatic calculator or particular formula that a court follows. A court will consider, among other things, these factors:
Length of marriage
Age and earning ability of the spouses
Standard of living during the marriage
Ability to pay spousal support
Contribution to the marriage
Spousal support for those with special needs children requires a special approach.
A commitment to fair cost
The attorneys at ARTEMiS Law Firm know that you would rather spend your hard-earned money caring for your child. We will take special care to keep attorneys' fees to a minimum, including approaching mediation and settlement in good faith.
Our attorneys want to do what is in you and your child's best interests, and sometimes that means settling a case early and other times it includes litigation and going to court. Please give us a call to discuss our approach to billing and prices for a divorce.